our history
The North Central Board of REALTORS was organized April 29, 1948;
chartered July 7, 1959; and incorporated August 16 1974.
April 29, 1948
A meeting was called on the 29th day of April, 1948 for the purpose of establishing a local real estate board to be associated with the Arkansas Real Estate Board sand the National Association of Real Estate Boards.
The President, H.P. Hadfield and the Executive Secretary, W.A. Reed of the Arkansas Real Estate Boards assisted with the organization of the local board which was called the Mountain Home Real Estate Board.
The original officers are: A.C. Haskins, Melville and Haskins, Inc.; M.E. Curlee, Curlee Land Company; C.S. Woods, Ozarks White River Company Inc.; E.D. Bowman, Bowman Realty Company; Don Alley, Alley Abstract Company; Nellie Cooper, Baxter County Abstract Company; Ben Dearmore, Dearmore Land Company; L.P. Reed, LP Reed real Estate Company; and Ray Wilks, Wilks Land Company.
May 13, 1959
On the 13th Day of May, 1959, a meeting was held to re-establish the Baxter County Real Estate Board for the purpose of establishing a better understanding of the real estate profession, improve the public relations, establish a code of ethics , and to facilitate direct contact with the State and National Association of Real Estate Boards. It was then decided that both brokers and salespersons would be members of the local Board, along with the county surveyors and abstractors who would be associate members.
The Charter Officers of the newly established Board are: Carlile J. Gregg, President; Abbott C. Haskins, Vice President; and Marjorie L. Harned, Secretary Treasurer.
The Chair Members are: A.C. Haskins and Paul Tullgren, A.C. Haskins Real Estate Company; Frank Ferguson and Don Ferguson, Opportunity Land Company; Carlile J. Gregg and Sam Powell, Gregg Realty Company; and Lee Poynter and M.E. Curlee, Curlee Land Company.
The Board jurisdiction covers, Baxter, Marion, Izard, Sharp, and Fulton counties.
August 16, 1974
On August 16, 1974, the North Central Board of REALTORS Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit corporation for the purpose of promoting the real estate industry in the counties of Baxter and Marion. The bylaws were drafted to provide for the establishment of a Multiple Listing Service as a subsidiary of the Board with a five member REALTOR committee being established to act as a liaison between the Board and the principal participants of the service.